Updating your Hive Learning profile

Your Hive Learning profile shares some basic information about you with other users such as your name, location and title - you can also update your profile picture if you choose to.


To update your Hive Learning profile, just follow the steps below:















You can follow these steps at any time to update information about yourself to your Hive profile.


Please note - If you use a different system (internal to your organisation) to log in to your account via SSO (Single Sign-On), your profile changes may be automatically updated through this other system.

As we don't have any control over the information being sent to us from your SSO provider, if you require an update to your first or last name on Hive this will need to be updated with your SSO provider internally within your organisation.

If you're unsure on whether the above applies to you, or if you're experiencing any other issues updating your profile on Hive, please feel free to get in touch with us at help@hivelearning.com from the email address your Hive Learning account is registered with including the information below:

  • Your full name
  • A brief explanation of the issue you're experiencing including which updates you're trying to make to your profile
  • If possible, screenshots or a screen recording showing the issue you're experiencing
  • The email address your Hive account is registered with if you are contacting us from an alternative email address


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